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79% of $1,500 goal

Support LA County Fire with coffee supplies!

Dear friends and supporters,


The outpouring of love and support we have received thus far is just incredible!  Thank you to each person who has contributed!  We increased our original goal to $1500 to try to do a little bit more for our LA firefighters!


We have an LA County Fire contact with boots on the ground at the Eaton Fire. We asked how we could support him and his brothers and sisters battling the LA fires. 


You may not be aware, but firefighters spend their own, personal money on coffee, brewing equipment, coffee filters, grinders, etc, for their fire stations.  As you can imagine, with so many wildfires, these men and women are working overtime, getting little rest, and are drinking their fair share of coffee.


Our contact told us they have received donations of so many supplies, food, snacks, etc, and the only thing they really could use at this time are heavy duty commercial coffee grinders, coffee, coffee supplies, etc.


We would love your help in making this happen. 100% of your tax-deductible contribution to Therapy Aid will be used to purchase coffee supplies, which we will send directly to our contact at LA County Fire to distribute.


We appreciate your support!


The team at Therapy Aid



Organized by Therapy Aid Coalition
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 85-0791885
[email protected]