Spring Simcha '25
Presenting Sponsor
Sponsor name recognition in a primary position in all digital and print communications, featured prominently in display on the night of the event, reserved seating, and all of the benefits of the sponsorship levels below Presenting.
Sponsor name recognition in a secondary position in all digital and print communications, featured in a secondary position on display on the night of the event, reserved seating, and all of the benefits of the sponsorship levels below Platinum.
Sponsor name recognition in a prominent position in all digital and print communications, featured prominently on display on the night of the event, reserved seating, and all of the benefits of the sponsorship levels below Diamond.
Sponsor name recognition in all digital and print communications, featured in display on the night of the event, reserved seating, and all of the benefits of the levels below Sapphire.
Sponsor name recognition featured in a display on the night of the event, included on Brandeis Marin website, newspaper ads, eblasts, postcards, virtual platform, invitations, newsletter, program, and priority seating.
Sponsor name recognition included on Brandeis Marin website, eblasts, invitations, virtual platform, postcards, program, and two tickets with reserved seating.
Sponsor name recognition included on Brandeis Marin website, invitations, virtual platform, postcards, program, and two tickets.
General Admission
58 remaining
Enjoy a joyous evening of storytelling, elegant cuisine, music, dancing, raffle prizes, and fundraising for our beloved Brandeis Marin teachers. Open seating.
$90 out of every ticket is a tax deductible donation.
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You may also send any messages or photos for Marci and Marc directly to djack-haber@brandeismarin.org.
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