75th Anniversary Special Sponsorship Opportunities

Help to sponsor custom events happening in celebration of The Arc New York's 75th Anniversary! Please reach out to Christina Canino, Senior Project Coordinator at [email protected] prior to making a sponsorship donation to ensure availability.


$5,000 - Sponsor Our Cocktail Hour - One Sponsor Only - SOLD

Help us kick off the night by sponsoring our cocktail hour, featuring music by Flame the Band, passed hors-d'oeuvres, open bar and silent auction.


What you get:

      • Sponsorship signage in the Jazz Bar, Patron's Club, and Ballroom during the cocktail hour
      • Sponsorship highlighted in the event program in print and online
      • Sponsorship recognition in email blasts, social media and Connections newsletter
      • Half-page program ad


$5,000 - Sponsor Our Speaker - One Sponsor Only - SOLD

This is your opportunity to sponsor our inspirational speaker, Mickey Rowe. Mr. Rowe is a Broadway actor and a person with autism and legal blindness. He has had lead roles in Tony-award winning plays, including The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, in which he was the first actor with autism to play the lead character, who is autistic. He’s a dynamic public speaker. You can learn more here: https://mickeyrowe.com


What you get:

      • Sponsorship recognition during speaker introduction
      • Sponsorship highlighted in the event program in print and online
      • All digital communications and promotions about the speaker include sponsor name and link to website
      • Half-page program ad
      • Two event tickets - experience the impact of your sponsorship live!


$3,000 - Sponsor The Candy Bar - One Sponsor Only - on hold, possibly SOLD

Showcase your brand while attendees scoop and enjoy their favorite treats!


What you get:

      • Sponsorship signage on candy bar
      • Sponsorship logo on custom event treat bags for each attendee
      • Sponsorship highlighted in the event program in print and online


$3,000 - Sponsor The Band - One Sponsor Only - SOLD

We'll bring the party and end the night dancing to The New York Players thanks to your contribution!


What you get:

      • Sponsorship recognition during musical performance and dancing
      • Sponsorship highlighted in the event program in print and online
      • Digital promotions of band include sponsor name and link to website


$2,000 - Sponsor The Toast - One Sponsor Only - SOLD

Raise a glass with us and sponsor a Champagne toast to celebrate 75 years of advocacy and opportunity!


What you get:

      • Sponsorship signage and recognition during the celebratory toast
      • Sponsorship highlighted in the event program in print and online, on the website and social media
      • Half-page program ad


$2,000 - Sponsor Our Photobooth - One Sponsor Only - SOLD

Sponsor laughter and memories with Out of the Box Photobooth


What you get:

      • Sponsorship signage at the photobooth site
      • Sponsorship highlighted in the event program in print and online
      • Post-event showcase of photobooth pictures will include sponsor name


$5,000 - Sponsor 75 Portraits Display - SOLD - No longer available

Your sponsorship will support the provision of and display at the gala of 75 portraits of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and how the work of The Arc New York has helped them grow and reach their goals. Sponsors will be featured during the rolling display as well as on social media and on The Arc New York website.


What you get:

      • Sponsorship recognition accompanying the portrait display at the Gala
      • Sponsorship recognition in the gala program, on social media and the Connections newsletter
      • Two gala tickets - view the project in person!


$2,500 - Sponsor-a-Table - SOLD OUT

Would you like to sponsor a table on behalf of your organization? Purchase a table of 10 on behalf of your business, Chapter, or your family. Tables or tickets can be used or donated back to provide sponsorships to allow self-advocates, family members, staff, or other individuals to attend. Tables will have signage indicating your sponsorship.


What you get:

      • 10 tickets to the event, to be used or donated
      • Sponsorship sign on event table
      • Sponsorship recognition in the gala program


$1,000 - Friend of the Arc - SOLD OUT

Support our mission while you celebrate the 75th! Friends of The Arc will receive 2 tickets to the Gala, and a listing in our program book.


Your contribution will support NYSARC, Inc. d/b/a The Arc New York’s mission to provide supports and services to people with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities, emphasizing choice and community engagement. A copy of the Arc New York’s latest financial report may be obtained upon request or from the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau’s website – www.charitiesnys.com. The Attorney General Charities Bureau may be reached at (212) 416-8686 should you need additional information about charities.

Organized by NYSARC, Inc.