Manhattan Alternative Provider Contributions

Thank you for contributing to the maintenance costs of our expanding community! 

As a reminder—I do not believe in gatekeeping pay walls. Instead, I'd rather create a space where collective empowerment comes from within our community. So, I'm asking each of you to pay what you can when you can, ideally $5 or more a month, which you can write off as an advertising expense. 

What your contributions will pay for:

• Website registration and hosting fees.
• Screening new provider applications.
• Website maintenance, including ongoing necessary structural updates and periodic category updates, adding new providers, and updating existing providers.
• Listserv maintenance, including adding new people to the list, and addressing any Community Guidelines concerns.
• Networking/social events.
• My organization and orchestration of all of the above and below.
• Admin costs of all of the above and below.

What your contributions might also cover:

• People on MA who can't afford to contribute. 
• Research and dissemination of information about interstate compacts and licensure.
• One-on-one consultation/admin support related to licensure or business operations.
• Market research.
• Business and legal consultations and support.
• Continuing education by and for our communities.
• Donations to organizations that support our communities.

Contributions will not give you privilege or priority over anyone who is not contributing.

Thank you for being a part of our wonderful community!

Organized by Manhattan Alternative