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Organized by Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
88 Supporters
78% of $4,000 goal
Nodutdol Bay Area Kimchi Fundraiser!
Sunday, November 17th, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM PST
In Person
2277 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94606, USA
Select tickets
Sliding Scale Entry Ticket: $0
Sold Out
All entry proceeds go to the Middle East Children's Alliance.
Sliding Scale Entry Ticket (proceeds go to MECA): $10
Sliding Scale Entry Ticket (proceeds go to MECA): $20
Sliding Scale Entry Ticket (proceeds go to MECA): $30
16-oz Jar of Vegan Kimchi (proceeds go to MECA): Sliding Scale $15
All pre-order kimchi jars have been reserved! We will have an additional ~30 jars of kimchi available at the event in exchange for donation. Thank you all for your generosity!
All kimchi proceeds will go to the Middle East Children's Alliance.
16-oz Jar of Vegan Kimchi (proceeds go to MECA): Sliding Scale $20
16-oz Jar of Vegan Kimchi (proceeds go to MECA): Sliding Scale $25
16-oz Jar of Vegan Kimchi (proceeds go to MECA): Sliding Scale $30
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Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 20-0818107