School of American Music (SAM) General Donation

Support Our Activities: 

The School of American Music is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation. Your tax-deductible donations are needed to sustain our activities.  Please donate so we can continue to provide:

·        A Teaching Program Based on 1:1 Tutorial Instruction by Professional Musicians from Local Bands and Orchestras

·        Scholarships for Students of All Ages

·        Music Programs in our Public Schools

·        Free Family Concerts of Top-Quality Music

·        Free Community Events, from Music Festivals to Community Choir Concerts, Sing-A longs, and Recitals

The receipt for your donation is your documentation of a charitable donation.

If you wish to target your donation to one particular activity, please let us know.






Organized by School of American Music
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 45-5027554
[email protected]