We strive to improve digital equity and we do this two ways: by offering affordable, professional IT/tech services to over a hundred other nonprofit orgs in Dane County, and through our Digital Equity Project. Our Digital Equity Project relies on donations to provide free basic computer skills and tech repair clinics at local libraries and community centers, as well as free refurbished donated laptops to adults from low-income households without computers (referred by local caseworkers and other direct-service providers).
By supporting digital equity in the community with your donation, you are providing adults with the skills they need to enter the workforce, allowing families to better support their child's education, assisting veterans' and rural-area families access to online healthcare support, and offering veterans and seniors a chance to improve their social and civic engagement!
Everyone here at DANEnet is committed to digital equity, and we believe that technology, connectivity, and the skills to use both are part of a quality of life that ALL should be able to enjoy.
Organized by DANEnet, Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 39-1820882
[email protected]