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69% of $2,500 goal

2023 Kyla McGarry Scholarship Fundraiser

Again this year we will be giving all graduates a single rose at graduation to represent a positive new beginning as they embark on their next exciting journey off to college, the military, the workplace, and life beyond high school. If you would like to help us and sponsor a senior, the cost is $10.00 per rose. This donation will be for all members of the class so it will not require a selection for a specific individual student. The net proceeds will be donated to the Kyla McGarry Scholarship which is awarded to a senior who exemplifies the Vision of the Graduate. This scholarship is given to a student who represents the vision and mission of SBRHS and who exemplifies the definition of the SBRHS vision of the graduate. The recipient is chosen by the faculty and is the culminating scholarship presented each year at graduation. It is given in memory of Kyla McGarry, a member of the Class of 2021 who lost her battle with cancer in March of 2020. We thank you in advance for your generosity.


Organized by Somerset Berkley Education Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-6490667
[email protected]