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73% of $20,000 goal

2024 H.O.P.E. Ranch Foundation Donations

The mission of the H.O.P.E. Ranch Foundation to promote and fund partnering with animals (including but not limited to: horses, dogs, and cats) for clients of all ages who could benefit from animal-assisted psychological services regardless of their ability to pay.

Fundraising efforts are needed to provide programming by EAGALA certified practitioners, client scholarships, and to care for animals.

Animal-assisted psychotherapy is provided, in a variety of settings, and may be group-based or individual in nature. The process is documented and evaluated, and the animal is an integral part of the treatment process.

Horse Powered Growth and Learning programs include programs related to students becoming more intrinsically motivated learners. Animal-assisted activities are delivered in a variety of environments by specially trained and certified professionals, working with animals that meet specific criteria.

Programming includes social skills groups for youth; young women’s group; young men’s groups; family groups; groups for youths and adults with PTSD; parenting groups; and horse-powered learning (tutoring).

Funds raised will also support programs to pay for feed and care for the animals utilized in the work, including veterinary, farrier, stable, pasture care, and other services necessary to provide for the wellbeing of the animals.


Organized by H.O.P.E. Ranch Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-2240400
[email protected]