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6% of $50,000 goal

Homeless Crisis Alleviation

Second Wind's homeless crisis alleviation team has been providing outreach in Ithaca's encampments for 10+ years, meeting people where they are at and building relationships based on trust, accountability and unconditional love.

We collect and distribute items that our unhoused neighbors need to survive. This includes food, clothing, toiletries, transportation, ways to stay warm, and our most basic human need - human connection with people who care.

The homeless crisis alleviation team has been 100% volunteer driven. However, this team has also proven to be incredibly effective at helping people living unhoused, find warmth in shelters apartments, and sometimes, cottages. We hope to one day fund a team that could bring warmth, safety - and love - to people who need it the most.


Organized by Second Wind
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 47-1807433
[email protected]