Tribute Cards

When you give a donation of $5 or more we will send a tribute card to your recipient, telling them that a donation was made in their name. This is a great holiday gift, birthday present, and opportunity to troll your resident book-banner.

Please consider taking the additional step of electing to have your donation to be recurring. Recurring donations help us keep our doors open and our activism moving forward.

The outside of the card says "A Donation Has Been Made in Your Name By" (with a line for your name - or "anonymous")

The inside of the card says "Defense of Democracy advocates for legislators, educators, and administrators who will work to strengthen communities. We also advocate for a public education system that supoprts and enhances our shared experiences regardless of religious beliefs, cultural background, or sexual orientation."



Please note that contributions made to Defense of Democracy are not tax-deductible as we are classified as a 501(c)(4) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation will support our advocacy efforts related to support our mission of advocating for our public school system. By donating, you acknowledge that you are not receiving any goods or services in exchange for your contribution.


Organized by Defense of Democracy, Inc.
[email protected]