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6% of $50,000 goal

Flowering Lotus Supporter

By donating to Flowering Lotus Meditation you help us share the life changing teachings of the dharma. As a supporter, you are helping us continue our mission.  Create and promote a variety of accessible opportunities for meditation practice in a non-denominational setting. All retreats and other events are based on Buddhist teachings of mindfulness and compassion and welcome students from diverse backgrounds. We continue to promote the teaching of meditation and offer students the opportunity to practice meditation; afford people of different religious backgrounds the opportunity to study the teachings of Buddha, and offer specialized retreats for groups who could benefit from peaceful contemplation and healing. We do this through bringing in experienced teachers from all over the country (and world) to teach the dharma. 

We want Buddhist teachings and retrerat opportunities to be accessible for all. We offer full and partial scholarships so that no one is turned away for the inability to pay. 

Studying buddhism and practicing mindfulness on a fixed object (the breath)  can been linked to feelings of peace and compassion. It gives an opportunity to be with yourself, heal, forgive, and grow the love everyone has in their hearts. This can lead to becoming your best ally, and creating a closeness with yourself which encourages growth, healing and forgiveness to yourself and others. 

We are a traveling sangha and have multiple retreats all over the Gulf coast where we create community and refuge wherever we hold retreats. Your support helps Flowering Lotus Meditation to continue to do this important work. 

We need your support to keep our mission alive! We are grateful for any amount you're able to give. Choosing to be a monthly sustainer is extremely important so that we can operate consistently for our communities. Help us reach 100 monthly supporters by the end of 2024. Deep bows to all our dharma friends. Thank you for believing in us and helping us continue to bring the dharma to the south.


Organized by Flowering Lotus Meditation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 27-1952895
[email protected]