Date: March 18 from 10:30-11:30 am; lunch immediately follows program after 11:30 am
Description: Join this group for a cup of coffee, meet other community members, and share your input in a casual discussion circle before enjoying lunch together downtown. Do you use the Massanutten Regional Library? Whether you are there all the time or seldomly at all, meet with the library’s team for hot coffee and a community conversation about what you would like to see at the Library. Meet Library Director Zach Elder and Director of Advancement Megan Medeiros and learn about what is new at MRL and offer your feedback on how they can make your public library serve your lifelong learning and entertainment needs even better. If you are not a current user, they‘d love to know more about why, and how they could gain or regain you as a part of this library community.
Facilitators: Zach Elder and Megan Medeiros
Location: Massanutten Regional Library – 174 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Cost: Free
Recommended Parking: Hardesty Higgins House parking lot (212 S Main St), the Water Street Parking Deck, or the Newman Avenue parking lots. See our parking map for locations. These parking lots and the deck have accessible spaces and will be between a 3- to 8-minute walk to the library from these locations.
Accessible Entrance: Enter through the main entrance of the library and walk to the right to the meeting rooms. The Main Meeting Room is the first room on your right.
Lunch: Beyond at 50 W Water Street. Enjoy an Asian Fusion lunch or sushi. Beyond is located two blocks from MRL. Click here for the menu