Water & Music

Donate to Water & Music

Water & Music is a research and intelligence network for the new music business. Our mission is to make the music industry more innovative, cooperative, and transparent. We equip music artists and music-industry workers with the information they need to help navigate technological disruption, and to create pioneering work with new technologies.

We’re a small, independent team. Putting together the kind of in-depth research we specialize in requires significant upfront investment, alongside extensive collaboration with our community of music-industry workers and artists, to ensure our research is as actionable and as reflective of their day-to-day needs as possible. We offer access to our research at a fraction of the cost of traditional market research, to ensure as many people as possible across the music/tech ecosystem can access our work.

You’re already welcome to support us by becoming a Water & Music member (either through a quarterly or annual fiat membership or on-chain), but if you would like to offer some extra support, you can make a one-time donation of any size here. All donations will be gratefully received, and will be split between Water & Music and our community researchers.

Organized by Water & Music