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0% of $1,600 goal

Family Christmas Dinner

Family Within Us Inc donations raise during our Gala2021, 2022 made it possible for us to help a family of 9 last year during the holidays.. help us bless a new family this year … 2023

Consider this!

While there are significant resources available to women and children, these systems often leave the father figured behind. Many fathers required to pay child support are finding themselves justice-involved and even arrested because of the lack the flexibility to obtain living resources for them to be providers. Over 85% of males can hardly walk into a public service agency and ask for support without facing bias surrounding why these males are in a position of needing help. The system has been designed to take the father figure out of the home by giving restrictions to mothers on how they can utilize the assistance. The main issue is most of mothers have to omit having a male figure in their children’s lives in order to qualify for benefits, leaving fathers out completely. #getinvolved #volunteer #ItTakesCourage #donate #share #goviral #Fatherhood #morherhood #childhood #InYourCorner #helpfathersprovide #fathersxmasheros #2023Familywithinus.org


Organized by Family Within Us Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-1583570
[email protected]