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5% of $15,000 goal

SoUL Membership

Your generous membership can help our 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Stewards of Our Urban Lakes (SoUL), continue to protect and improve our urban lakes. We strive to enhance water quality and restore natural habitats.


Our mission is to improve water quality and restore the natural habitat of urban lakes through the education and engagement of our communities.


Our work includes invasive species removal, improving water quality, habitat restoration, native landscaping, waste removal, educational programming, and more!


Our lakes include Crescent Lake, Round Lake, Mirror Lake, Jungle Lake, Winston Lake, Pasadena Lake, Eagle Crest Lake, and Meadowlawn Lake.


Join us in making a tangible difference for the love of urban lakes in St. Petersburg, Florida.


Organized by James Bays
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 86-2429519
[email protected]