Celebrating Ken!

Proudly supporting kids with cancer!


10 Supporters

292% of $500 goal



10 Supporters

292% of $500 goal


Dave & Paula Pezza made a $250 donation

over 1 year ago

Celebrating you, Ken Wegner. You are a true example of what it means to be humble and kind. We are lucky to call you our friend.😍

Bob and MaryBeth made a $60 donation

over 1 year ago

Happy Birthday to the youngest old man we know! Have a terriffic day and carry that spirit throughout your year!

Celina Granger made a $50 donation

over 1 year ago

Happy 60th birthday Mr. Wegner! 🎉

Kopps made a $250 donation

over 1 year ago

Happy 60th birthday to you! Enjoy every minute!

The Leonards made a $100 donation

over 1 year ago

Happy Birthday Ken (Mr. Wegner) !!! Cheers to 60 years young!! I hope this year is your best year yet and is filled with happiness and joy!

Ambrose made a $100 donation

over 1 year ago

Happy Six O' to my unofficial "cool" uncle and master of living life to the fullest. You've schooled us all in the art of carpe diem and been a mentor to me both personally and professionally. Here's to the OG! 🎉

Myles & Francesca made a $100 donation

over 1 year ago

Happy birthday to an incredible man, Mr. Wegs!!

Ruth made a $200 donation

over 1 year ago

Celebrating an incredibly kind, warm, and generous man!

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American Childhood Cancer Organization

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 52-1071826

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