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65% of $3,000 goal


Today is the biggest day to give back of 2023 - #Giving Tuesday

On last year’s #Giving Tuesday, you helped AHDI Promise for Vocational Scholarship to raise funds for our East African youth programs.

Our Vocational Scholarship Program has thus far produced 36 graduates in midwifery, nursing, carpentry, and electrical technology. It currently sponsors 8 students, including 4 aspiring nurses. For the past 5years, we have raised nearly $50,000 for our cause. These funds have directly benefited our recipients by allowing them to pursue accomplished careers without sacrificing support to their families. This is a transformative opportunity that we are honored to be a part. So please join AHDI Promise in making this year’s #GivingTuesday a success!

We're so thrilled to have you in our AHDI community. To you, and our faithful team members, we give our warmest, heartfelt thanks.

With gratitude,

Mohamed Adam

Executive Director, Founder



Organized by AHDI Promise
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 83-1819972
[email protected]