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5% of $5,000 goal

We Are TEACHella Campaign! Dedication to Appreciation! Save TEACHella!

TEACHella is a teacher appreciation organization celebrating educators of all levels through community events like TEACHella Festival since 2022. If you love teachers and want to support them, but don't know how? You're in the right classroom! Your partnership with TEACHella will help us continue to provide classroom essentials, financial support, self care & help resources, and mental health awareness resources. All you have to do is, make your selection to support teachers with a custom amount or a pre-selected option. By supporting TEACHella monthly, quarterly, or annually, you will receive perks, benefits, and evidence of how your contributions are making a difference for our teachers. If you have questions about our monthly, quarterly, or yearly contribution opportunities, please email [email protected]

Not only will your contributions be instrumental to the growth of TEACHella, you will also support our process of trademarking our TEACHella name. Currently, our legal team is preparing to trademark the TEACHella name so it can officially belong to us! As we began the trademarking process in 2022, recently, we received an unofficial request to discontinue the use of the name Teachella, as Coachella has a trademark on COACHELLA and CHELLA. We appreciate the notoriety from the mecca of festivals and hope this connection will develop into a CaliTexas partnership epiphany. However, in our defense, we are TEACH ella, not TEA chella. As a woman and founder of TEACHella, I am a teacher and I am ella (she/her in Spanish). We are thankful for our San Antonio-based festival to be recognized in California, we humbly declare our name, TEACHella is not an infringement on CHELLA. Join us today in support of every teacher you know and love. Show your appreciation and keep the celebration alive with the name we have all grown to know and love. We Teach Ella, We Teach El, We Teach ALL, We Are TEACHella! #saveTEACHella #MeetMeAtTEACHella

Organized by Teachella Foundation, Inc
[email protected]