Chicago ICAA

5th Bi-Annual Design Competition - Registration Closed

The Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art is pleased to announce the 5th Bi-annual Chicago-Midwest ICAA Design Competition which is open to all architects, landscape architects, artisans and students. Competition will be judged “blind” and entries may be submitted by individuals or teams of any number. Participants will have 3 months to conceive and illustrate designs for architecture, landscape architecture and art within the project boundaries indicated in the site map.

New Vision for Pullman Welcome Center


The Historic Pullman District was originally a planned town for the Pullman Company that manufactured sleeper cars during the height of the railroad industry. In fact, Pullman was America’s first planned model industrial community and is considered to be a prime example of urban planning. This model industrial town has a unique architectural character that is defined in part by brick formed with clay from the adjacent Lake Calumet. Today, Pullman is undergoing preservation, rehabilitation, and revitalization efforts as a designated Chicago Landmark and a National Historic Park.

This competition is a hypothetical situation where entrants will reimagine (1) of 2 sites: Site 1 is the site of the existing Community Center and Site 2 is the historic Market Square. Richness in detail, for architecture, landscape architecture and/or public art is encouraged. Solutions should enhance the visitor experience and encourage site activation in all four seasons, contributing to the revitalization of the neighborhood. Designs should be sympathetic/complimentary to the historical language without being imitative. Entrant proposals


Program Description

Entrants may propose to include some or all the area within one of the two competition boundaries. New functions within the area may also be proposed. The inclusion of parking, public restrooms and/or other practical components are entirely at the submitter’s discretion. If Site 1 is selected, any displaced program should be accommodated within the new proposed program. If Site 2 is selected, the space program is at the discretion of the entrant, as well as how much, or little, the existing structure is retained. Design solutions are to be respectful of the historical context without being imitative. The proposals should encourage community engagement and provide opportunity for continued crossover between historical education and public art. The site should be fully accessible to persons with disabilities.

Organized by Chicago ICAA