House of Feathers Inc

Online Donations

Parrots are renowned for their intelligence and vibrant personalities, but their long lifespan, noisy vocalizations, and destructive (nest building) behavior can present challenges for their human companions. Sometimes, those challenges cannot be overcome. Sometimes, life changing circumstances for their owners take precedence. When these things happen, we have provided unwavering support for parrots and their owners for over 40 years, providing a safe home, good nutrition, and companionship until a carefully vetted new home can be found. For birds that struggle with adoption, The House of Feathers becomes a sanctuary for life. Our long-term goal is to develop property and infrastructure owned by HoF, and an endowment to cover recurring expenses on that property, such that these sanctuary birds, and their adoptable friends, will never find themselves once again in peril.
As an all-volunteer organization, we never accept payment for our services, nor do we profit in any way from those in our care. Your donations are literally the lifeblood of our mission. Your support helps us maintain the hurricane-ready mini home where our parrots live, the eleven outdoor aviaries where they socialize and explore for part of each day, and their food, enrichment, and veterinary care. Each gift, no matter the size, has a direct impact on the sustainability of our operations, and the well-being of our feathered friends.


Organized by House of Feathers Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-2534349