Traditional Lakota Sweat Lodge (Inípi) for Veterans

Upon invitation from local Lakota medicine holders, The Wounded Healer Project offers a unique healing experience to our fellow warriors through a traditional Lakota Sweat Lodge Ceremony, called the Inípi

For centuries, Sweat Lodge Ceremonies have served as sacred and powerful healing containers where the layers of emotional turmoil, moral struggles, and resistance towards self forgiveness could be unveiled and transformed into a space for clarity, reconciliation, and rebirth. Inípi, the Lakota term for Sweat Lodge, means “to live again” and serves as a purification rite which helps one to enter a state of humility and undergo a spiritual rebirth.

Under the guidance of Lakota medicine holders, our licensed veteran mental health counselors and veteran coaches enter into Inípi with veterans journeying into this sacred ceremony to help offer preparation and integration of this transcendent experience.


Organized by Wounded Healer Project
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 88-1867372
[email protected]