Payden Nichols, Director of Instrumental Music at Beaufort High continues to motivate and encourage the growth of the Sea Island Sound. Our band members strive to enhance the quality of their performances and challenge themselves, on and off the field. We love our band, and we hope you do too! The goal of our Boosters is to support this vision in any way we can. To do that, we need your help!
1. Finalize purchase of the newest addition to the SIS family, a golf cart that is utilized to transport equipment, medical supplies and the occasional passenger or two;
2. Purchase a quality sound system to maximize performances within the community;
2. Start a scholarship fund to build the band by helping students in need with instrument costs and other expenses.
We need you to spread the word and support your Sea Island Sound! Here's how you can help - it's as easy as 1-2-3!
*Click on the link or scan the QR code provided to you in email, text, Facebook, or Instagram.
* Select "LET'S GO BAND" to select the payment amount & method you prefer (we accept PayPal, Venmo, Credit Card, ACH and more!) and submit your donation!
*If you cannot donate at this time, we ask for your help in spreading the news! Share our campaign via email, Facebook, or with businesses you know! Our local community is wonderful in supporting causes and nonprofits in our area and we appreciate the support.
This fundraiser is a GiveButter campaign. This platform was researched and chosen as it is one of the lowest cost platforms and fundraising venues available to groups & nonprofits like us. GiveButter has helped raise millions annually, and it is estimated that 99% of each donation would go directly to the Boosters to further our efforts. This very low-cost estimate for services by GiveButter is based on a couple of donor actions: 1) choosing to pay the processing/convenience fee themselves so very customary today and b) considering a TIP to GiveButter for using their convenient donation platform. We have chosen to allow this TIP option on the donor page, to help raise the most for the band program. The tip can be any amount by clicking and choosing "OTHER" for an amount from $0. and higher. We hope you will join us in this endeavor.
Thank you, from every student and parent in the Sea Island Sound music program. We appreciate your support.
Organized by Beaufort High School Band Boosters
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-2392918