End of Year Giving 2023

At the end of the year, we come to you and ask for your help as we continue to help others in our community.This has been a challenging year for InterConnect. It is with both gratitude and sorrow that we remember our founder, Sherri Groveman Morris, who tirelessly championed our cause for 28 years. Sherri's legacy continues to inspire us, and in her memory we are determined to keep supporting intersex individuals and their families.We hit some amazing high notes at our Summer Conference, but it was a hard battle which left us barely breaking even. We are working on new ways to bring you the crucial programming that you’ve come to expect, without the high price we have been paying for so many years. Now is a time for innovation, and InterConnect is rising to that challenge.

At InterConnect, we have weathered the storms of this year together, providing essential resources through annual conferences, meet-ups, and Zoom sessions. Despite being a volunteer organization committed to keeping costs low, the challenges persist, and we need your support now more than ever.

This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to contribute to InterConnect to make a difference in the lives of intersex people of all ages. Your donation will not only sustain us, but also serves as a testament to the resilience of the intersex community. We encourage you to give what you can, and if possible, make a sustaining monthly donation so that your support continues all year long.


Organized by InterConnect Support Group
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 37-1407648