Breaking the Binary

Breaking the Binary Theatre

Breaking the Binary Theatre is an Obie Award-winning new work development and community building hub wherein transgender, non-binary, and Two-Spirit+ (TNB2S+*) artists come together to reclaim our artistic license and liberty through a number of initiatives, including the yearly all-TNB2S+ Breaking the Binary Theatre Festival each October.


Since Breaking the Binary Theatre’s launch in July of 2022, Breaking the Binary Theatre has paid out over $375,000 to over 350 transgender, non-binary, and Two-Spirit+ (TNB2S+) artists, and to continue this work, we need YOUR help. Your donation ensures that Breaking the Binary Theatre can continue to support and amplify the voices of TNB2S+ artists year-round, all the while paying all participants equitably for their time and labor (with all rates based off New York's Living Wage of $25.65 per hour). 

Financial Transparency:

As of July 1, 2024, over 75% of Breaking the Binary Theatre's budget thus far reflects funds being allocated straight into the pockets of TNB2S+ artists and theatermakers.

The remaining 25% accounts for physical spaces, supplies, publicist fees, advertising, and other small miscellaneous administrative costs. 

In addition to our immense gratitude, all supporters will receive a tax-compliant donation receipt and acknowledgement in the Festival's program. 

Major Gifts:

For more information on major gifts (of $5,000 or more), corporate partnerships, or select sponsorships, please contact [email protected] / @breakingthebinarytheatre

Breaking the Binary Theatre is powered by Producer Hub.


Organized by Breaking the Binary
Sponsored by: Producer Hub Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-2432520