National Council of Jewish Women Colorado

Screening and Discussion of the film Under G-d - A Jewish Response to Dobbs

Join us as we together watch and discuss the short documentary, Under G-d, by Paula Eiselt and Darcy MacKinnon, a film depicting the National Jewish response to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization US Supreme Court decision.

The award-winning film looks at the lives of Jewish women impacted by and lawsuits brought to challenge the Dobbs decision, maintaining the ideal of separation of church and state while speaking to protecting religious freedom – and democracy – for all.

After the film we will have a panel presentation and discussion about the film and its subject matter.

Note: Summit County members will have the opportunity to a screening and discussion in Summit County. Date and location to be determined 

Monday, October 14, 2024/  7 – 9 pm/  Three Fountains Clubhouse

Ticket Price - $10


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Organized by National Council of Jewish Women Colorado
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-6120956