There are two Toastmaster Prison Clubs in Missouri – Alpha Toastmasters Club # 3273397 located at Jefferson City, Missouri Correctional Facility and Talu Toastmasters Club # 9643 locate at the Moberly, Missouri Correctional Facility. Our goal in District 8 is to continue to help support these clubs and to start new TM prison clubs in D8 but we can not do it without your help. Prisoner club members have very limited opportunities to raise funds to pay dues, purchase supplies etc., so a source of continuing funding is needed to support them.
Why this fund should be supported? The answer is simple, being a member of Toastmasters helps the inmate member prepare for a successful life upon their release. The general inmate population recidivism rate is 67 percent, while that of inmates that had been in Toastmasters for at least 1 year is about 1 percent. The members who are supported by this fund, can build bonds with other inmates that want to change themselves and to become productive members of society. This allows them to dream and to share their dreams with others, to build a support network, to learn how to effectively communicate, to effectively receive feedback, to evaluate their situations, and to learn leadership skills that will allow them to be successful.
Your donation will help to achieve our mission. We'll be able to support inmates by:
- Subsidizing their membership fees
- Instilling confidence in their participation
- Giving them educational options
- Allowing them the opportunity for recognition and leadership
- Change the world by changing their lives
For inmates that participate in Toastmasters, approximately a percent (1%) ever return to prison again.
Will you help and support these prisoners anticipating release to prepare them for the outside world by acquiring and improving something that can most benefit them – confident speaking and communication skills?
Organized by Karen Leingang