Recurring Donations 2024

Thank you for taking the step in supporting Adapt-Able Foundation!

As you might now, we are a non-profit organization that provides adaptive scuba diving experiences to people with disabilities. Our mission is to break down barriers and create opportunities for people with disabilities to experience the freedom and joy of scuba diving.

We believe that everyone deserves to experience the underwater world, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. Scuba diving can be a life-changing experience, providing opportunities for physical fitness, mental health, and community connection.

Your donation will help us provide adaptive scuba diving experiences to people with disabilities in Tarrant County, Texas. With your support, we can:

  • Train more adaptive scuba divers and buddies
  • Purchase adaptive scuba equipment
  • Organize and lead diving trips
  • Provide scholarships to people with disabilities who cannot afford adaptive scuba diving
  • Scuba diving can be a great way to improve physical fitness and mental health.
  • Scuba diving can help people with disabilities build confidence and independence.
  • Scuba diving can provide opportunities for social connection and community building.
  • Adapt-Able Foundation is a non-profit organization that relies on donations to provide its services.

Your donation will make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Please consider making a recurring donation today to help us continue our work.


Organized by Adapt-Able Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-2241916
[email protected]