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25% of $1,000 goal

2024 Year-end Appeal

Thank you for supporting AEOE and helping us to strengthen environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning. Our small but mighty team relies on donations to support our work. Your donation will support our network of dedicated individuals and organizations across the state that are committed to using environmental and outdoor education as a tool to create lasting environmental change. Donations directly enable AEOE to:

-- offer scholarships and financial assistance

-- keep program offerings affordable

-- provide a wide range of professional development opportunities

-- advocate for increased access to environmental and outdoor learning

We greatly appreciate your support!


Learn more about our work at aeoe.org or through our most recent annual report: https://bit.ly/FY24AEOEImpact


Organized by Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education (AEOE)
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 95-4819097
[email protected]