In celebration of receiving our 501(c)(3) status, we are launching our start-up fundraiser! In order to help local youth leaders with a limited budget, we need your help. Join us as we continue in our journey to provide affordable and quality curriculum, coaching, and community for progressive youth leaders. We aren't just making an impact on youth leaders, but the community they serve in as well.
So, where's this money going?
Your generous donations will cover the administrative stuff like our website, design software, and other costs of running the non-profit, as well as our founder and president's salary (me, Jon Zawodny!) as we start out and build a customer base - so I can devote my time to supporting youth leaders across the country! But, I think the coolest place your money will go is towards helping make the curriculum and coaching we're offering affordable.
Let's act like you're a youth leader at the beginning of the school, or even prepping during the summer for your teaching curriculum. You discover that a 6-week series typically costs around $35. If you're lucky enough to find a bundle for a whole year, curriculum is $300. If you're employed at a generous, medium-sized church, your whole youth budget is around $3,000. So, right off the bat, 10% of your budget just going to the lessons you'll be teaching. What if curriculum took up more like 5%? That freed up money could go to scholarships for camps, retreats, or mission trips, to having an exciting event, or having money to try new ways of doing ministry. Branching Roads is making curriculum for $15 (6-week series) and $120 (a whole year), so money can be used where it might be needed more, and even small churches can have enough money to enjoy exploring faith with their students.
Coaching is very similar. Paying for minimal help or just to bounce ideas off of someone experienced costs anywhere from $200 to $500 for a session! This ends up being just too steep for youth leaders, turning them away from necessary help, support, and connection. Branching Roads is reducing the cost of coaching, and with the help of donations, even providing sessions free of charge so that support is affordable and accessible for all.
Whether your money is going towards staffing, helping with curriculum/coaching, covering our operational costs, or just a cup of coffee between youth leaders, it is encouraging and supporting youth leaders around the country on a very tangible level. Thank you for considering to support this cause.
Organized by Branching Roads