Adoption and Rehoming Cottage Inc


We need your help!

Please consider a one time or recurring donation to The Adoption Cottage.

Help us raise the roof so we can provide respite care for dogs in need.💜

We are in the process of constructing a cottage that will provide support for existing rescues/shelters and their dogs. Please help us by donating to our building fund.

The Adoption Cottage is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, conceptualized by the founders of The Cottages, to bring adventure back into the lives of pups who are starting to give up on themselves. Our non-profit takes sheltered, fostered and neglected four legged friends and rehabilitates them with the gift of space - where a dog can truly be a dog. Here we promise to create a safe place where someone’s next best friend will lose their inhibition, fear of abandonment and reimage life as fun, happy, and full of wags. In other words, a place for dogs to recharge their love battery to give to a worthy human.

Organized by Adoption and Rehoming Cottage Inc