BIOSYNERGY PROJECT @ Center for Studies of the Person is a nonprofit project seeking to restore, enhance and sustain the Synergy of All Life in Earth's Biosphere. Our programs are emerging in three categories:
Participation in programs of BP@CSP is by invitation on request. Please write us to reveal your interests and passions that relate to Biosynergy, and we will reply with ideas for our mutually rewarding collaboration.
Funding for the overarching corporate umbrella of Biosynergy Revelation, Encounter & Intervention is invited from all who wish to support the visionary creation & benevolent implementation of new programs to expand Biosynergy's global impacts on the quest for poetic, passionate, person-centered eco-spiritual well-becoming.
Benevolent donors are welcome at all levels. Grateful nonprofit-notes go to all financial supporters. New donors who send more than $5,000 will also be given an iconic gift created by an indigenous artist.
With a donation 0f $10,000 or more, please include a message with your issues of interest, availability and email coordinates so we may arrange your Zoom meeting with a Biosynergy Project Director.
We dream of restoring positive, compassionate, authentic Creative Biosynergy throughout the vast & beloved biosphere of planet Earth. If you share that dream, please let us know !
-- In loving Synergy ... Anthony L Rose, PhD / Founder & Co-Director , [email protected]
Organized by Center for Studies of the Person