Disaster Relief by My Daddy Taught Me That and KL Training Solutions

Your donation allows supplies to be purchased and distributed to communities devastated by the storms and without the ability to access resources. This includes people with no gas to travel to get provisions, insufficient resources to purchase food, elderly and others that can't physically wait in the long lines for food and water, and anyone in the region who can be supported by community-driven support efforts.
The supplies needed currently include such things as water, food, diapers, wipes for babies, formula, feminine products, adult wipes (cause without water there can't easily be showers).
KL Training Solutions and the team with My Daddy Taught Me That are the ones managing the donated funds. This local organization has been supporting children and families in Buncombe County for over 10 years with resources, training, counseling, youth programming, and other opportunities for youth growing up in underserved and low income communities. 

Your donation is tax deductible.


Organized by My Daddy Taught Me That
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 46-1815662