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107% of $30,000 goal

Belize Music Trip

Our mission is to train our students to be missionaries. Over the years, our music department has ventured into diverse fields of service, harnessing the power of music to spread the Three Angels’ Messages far and wide. By God's grace, we've successfully proclaimed Jesus' love through music in places like Ireland, Cuba, Ukraine, Bolivia, Spain, Korea, and across the United States.

This school year we have an exciting opportunity to serve in Belize. We've been invited to participate in a 10-day evangelistic initiative during the month of April that involves music, health education, and training local individuals to continue this work. To support our staff and 30 students, enabling them to fulfill these tasks and leave behind resources for future projects such as health fairs and community music programs, we need around $25,000.

Although these financial needs might appear daunting, we are praying in faith, seeking God's intervention to accomplish the seemingly impossible so that we may extend His love to those in need. If you feel called to partner with us in this endeavor, please scan the QR code or follow the link provided.


Organized by Oklahoma Academy
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-6042986
[email protected]