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62% of $15,000 goal

Spiritual Warfare - Dr. Gerry Breshears

We have an exciting opportunity to bring Dr. Gerry Breshears' enlightening teachings on spiritual warfare to a broader audience. Dr. Breshears has taught this topic more than a hundred times worldwide, helping countless believers understand and navigate this spiritual battlefield. Now, we have a chance to distill his decades of wisdom into a comprehensive, easy-to-follow video series.

The video series will explore key aspects of spiritual warfare, including understanding the nature of demons, the biblical perspective of the spiritual world at war, and practical ways to respond to demonic influences. We believe this knowledge will empower believers to live their faith more confidently and authentically.

We need your support to make this project a reality. It requires $15,000 for filming, editing, and distributing the eleven one-hour sessions. Your generosity will not just cover the production costs but will also help us provide this class free to believers around the world.

Help us spread light in the face of darkness. Contribute today and play your part in equipping believers with the understanding they need to resist the enemy's deceptions and live victorious lives in Christ.


Organized by BiblicalTraining.org
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 91-2091751
[email protected]