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0% of $1,000,000 goal

FWD Tech & Freedom Academies

The campaign is to fund the expantion program of FWD Tech & Freedom Academies in Costa Rica.


The Challenge

  • ●  One of the key challenges to democracy and citizen engagement in Costa Rica is a crisis of young people leaving education early. Out of 10 children in Costa Rica, 6 will drop out of school, 3 of which some of them will join a criminal organisation.



Our Solution

  • ●  Demo Lab’s solution to this challenge is called the Citizen Leadership Academy; a  Freedom curriculum of: Civic Liberties and Participation, Leadership, Financial Freedom, Critical Thinking, Entrepreneurship.


Demolab develop the partnership with FWD Academys which is a social enterprise, whose purpose is to provide high quality education in technology related topics, such as Full-Stack software development, offering an intensive training program (bootcamp) for young people with a component provided by DEMOLAB of civic education, entrepreneurship and the protection of FREEDOM.


Expantion of the next FWD Tech & Freedom Hubs will be located in

1. Nosara, Guanacaste,

2. Santa Teresa (Cobano), Guanacaste

3. Puerto Limon, Limon



"Change is possible if we unleash the full potential of people"





*Amigos de Costa Rica INC is the FWD Tech & Freedom & Demolab partner to provide support for donors platforms, values and resources such as this campaign. 


501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 31-1714653
[email protected]