Barrett’s Bears Donations

There are so many people who do not know what to do for families who have lost a baby and are navigating through grief. We are honored to provide a way to share a comforting gift for the families—a teddy bear personalized wearing a shirt with their baby’s full name or surname. Your contributions will allow us to provide this gift.


Our Mission:

Barrett’s Bears aim is to provide comfort and hope to families who have lost babies due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant loss. Our prayer is that a teddy bear, personalized in their baby’s memory, will serve as a constant reminder of Christ’s love for them, as well as the Hope we have of Heaven. We pray that each time they hold their bear, they are comforted and reminded of how much their baby and themselves are loved by Jesus. Whether the bear is placed on a shelf, used in family photos, or simply held tight in one’s arms, our hope is that families will feel connected to their baby, and reassured that they will never be forgotten!


Our Family’s Story:

The ministry of Barrett’s Bears was founded by Natalie and Walker Boggs, whose son, Barrett Anthony Boggs, went to be with Jesus on September 25, 2018, when he was just 4 months and 17 days old. On that very day, God put a rainbow in the sky, reminding them of the Hope of Heaven and the promises to come. Shortly after Barrett’s passing, the family was gifted their "Barrett Bear" by a friend. It has a shirt with his name on it in memory of his life. Their bear has been a constant reminder to them, and to their other children, that Barrett is still very much a part of their lives and their story. Their mission is to comfort other families in the same way they have been comforted through the love of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:4).

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.””

Revelation 21:4 NLT


“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Note From Natalie (me!), Barrett’s mother:

Our little boy, Barrett Anthony, was 4 months and 17 days old when he passed away on September 25, 2018. Shortly after, I was gifted a teddy bear with Barrett’s name on it in his memory. This bear, which we named “Barrett Bear”, has given me and my family much comfort. We all cling to something—a memory, a piece of clothing, a toy, a picture, a gift, whatever it might be—to keep us connected to the memory of our loved ones who have gone before us. It meant so much to my heart to be gifted our bear specifically made for our Barrett. We use our “Barrett Bear” in all of our important family pictures as a reminder that we have another family member that’s missing in the photo. In memory of his life. A reminder that he is not lost to us, but only waiting in Eternity with our Heavenly Father.


There is nothing in this world that can replace or fill the void of your child not being in your arms any longer. But, I am living proof that just a kind gesture in the form of a teddy bear in remembrance of my baby, helps provide comfort that Jesus will see you through and is a reminder of Heaven.


After 2 years of Barrett being in Heaven, the Lord so heavily weighed on my heart that it was time to continue using our story for His glory, but in a different and new way. As I was holding the bear one day, it hit me. God showed me a glimpse of what I could do to help spread hope to those grieving the loss of their baby. Thus, “Barrett’s Bears” was born.


What donations will provide:

-Teddy Bears

-T-Shirts for bear

-Printed cards with information about Barrett’s Bears and encouraging words and letter to families receiving bears.

-Personalized Printing of shirts

-Packaging, Mailing and Shipping Costs

-Machinery and equipment needed to design and create all items.

-Overhead costs of maintaining all aspects of the Nonprofit


We ask that, if you feel led, to donate towards the cause of Barrett's Bears. The ministry runs solely off of donations, and your contributions will continue to allow us to give to these families who need to hear from Jesus and be comforted in their darkest moment. We pray this gift does just that.


*Barrett's Bears Ministry is a Nonprofit Corporation, a 501(c)3 tax exempt Organization (EIN 93-2698721). Donations to Barrett's Bears are tax deductible. Donors will receive receipt and tax information through email.


Organized by Barrett's Bears
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-2698721
[email protected]