Become a Founding MEM-ber!

Middle Earth Madness (MEM) is now gratefully accepting founding "MEM-bers." Join the Fellowship!

What's in it for us?

Simply put, your donations help us cover ongoing/upcoming dev costs, so we can keep creating for you. What does that mean exactly? Well, game/app development costs money and we're not professional developers. But we have BIG ideas that we want to bring to you! Each $75-$100 in donations pays for ~1 hour of coding/dev work. Simple as that! We're not in it for the money - we just want to keep creating games, content and contests for the LotR community.

What's in it for you?

Silver MEM-bers: $25+

  • Free Subscription for 1yr
  • Credit on our website in "The Hall of Kings"

Gold MEM-bers: $250+

  • Free Subscription for 2 yrs
  • Credit on our website in "The Hall of Kings"
  • Plug for you or your social channel on our platforms
  • "Council of Elrond" Invite - Our version of a board of directors (gets you a "seat at the table" - opportunities to: preview new content, BETA-test new games, participate in meetings with the staff, etc.) 

Mithril MEM-bers: $1,000+

  • LIFETIME Subscription (all games, contests, and content are always free)
  • Credit on our website in "The Hall of Kings"
  • Credit/Plug for you or your social channel on our platforms
  • "Council of Elrond" Invite - Our version of a board of directors (gets you a "seat at the table" - opportunities to: preview new content, BETA-test new games, participate in meetings with the staff, etc.) 
  • "White Council" Invite - Opportunity to consult quarterly & advise on future projects/development

Silmaril MEM-bers: $2,500+

  • LIFETIME Subscription (all games, contests, and content are always free)
  • Top of Credits on our website in "The Hall of Kings"
  • Credit/Plug for you or your social channel on our platforms, and/or upon request
  • "Council of Elrond" Invite - Our version of a board of directors (gets you a "seat at the table" - opportunities to: preview new content, BETA-test new games, participate in meetings with the staff, etc.) 
  • "White Council" Invite - Opportunity to consult quarterly & advise on future projects/development
  •  Priority Stakeholder Status with Voting Rights - Opportunity to influence and help direct decision-making on future projects

Organized by Middle Earth Madness
[email protected]