$ -

30% of $40,000 goal

Donate to Bethlehem

A Night in Old Bethlehem is run entirely by volunteers, but there are costs of putting on the event each year. Our 2023 budget includes the following:

Animals - $6500 to rent, shelter and feed the animals for 2 weeks

Children's crafts - $7500 to purchase materials to make toys, candles, and pinch pots

Costumes - $500 to replace and repair costumes as needed

Sets/stage - $1500 to rebuild and repair sets, walls, the stage and signs as needed

Food Booth - $12,500 to fund purchase of supplies and food for turkey legs and curly fries

Promotions & Insurance - $1500 to build/maintain a website, promotional materials, and provide insurance coverage

Miscellaneious - $10,000 for unknown and future expenses to be determined


Organized by A Night in Old Bethlehem
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-2357378