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Organized by Loving Houston
58 Supporters
18% of $250,000 goal
Boots and Buckles
Thursday, April 3rd, 6:30 PM CDT
In Person
The Bell Tower on 34th, 901 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77018, USA
Jerry Martin purchased a ticket for $300
about 24 hours ago
Brittani Looking foward to seeing you Pastor Martin!
27 minutes ago
Ted Tredennick made a $1,500 donation
1 day ago
Brittani Yes, indeed! We're so excited to have you as a Board Member!
Pitsami Norm purchased a ticket for $150
Brittani We look forward to having you celebrate with us! Thank you for the support!
Bobbie Goodwin made a $40 donation
Brittani Thank you for the donation! This is a blessing!
The Power Camp, LLC purchased a ticket for $150
Anonymous Thank you Power Camp - Tawana
Larry Drown purchased a ticket for $1,500
2 days ago
Brittani Thank you Campus Kids! We greatly appreciate your support!
Brandi Brown purchased a ticket
3 days ago
Brittani Thank you! We're excited to have you there.
New Addition Community Church made a $10 donation
Brittani Amen, Thank you Pastor O'Bryant!
Select tickets
Individual Ticket
5 remaining
Your ticket helps to fund the work of Loving Houston.
Texas Two-Step Package
3 remaining
This level helps to fund the work of Loving Houston.
· Ticket for two individuals to the dinner
· Acknowledgement in the Dinner Program & Slideshow
Boot-Scootin' Buddy
This level of sponsorship funds the work of Loving Houston for one year serving Church School Partnership leaders through continuing education, training and special events, such as District Prayer Gatherings and Pastor Appreciation (about 20 events throughout Houston)
· Social Media Salute
· 1 Table for 10
Cowboy Cohort
4 remaining
This level of sponsorship funds the work of Loving Houston for one year serving our Church School Partnerships with on-going research, data tracking and administrative support
· Website Recognition for 1 year
Silver Spur Supporter
This level of sponsorship funds the work of Loving Houston for one year serving a small-sized school district, reaching approximately 15 schools and 8,000 students
· Host Acknowledgement Gift
· Prominent Table for 10
Belt Buckle Benefactor
This level of sponsorship funds the work of Loving Houston for one year serving a mid-sized school district reaching approximately 25 schools and 20,000 students.
· Press Announcements and Exclusive Sponsor Spotlights
Lone Star Legend
This level of sponsorship funds the work of Loving Houston for one year serving a large school district, reaching approximately 60 schools and 48,000 students.
· Meet & Greet with Speaker Exclusive Naming Opportunity
· Premier Seating for 2 Tables of 10
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Loving Houston
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 46-3830659