Support Carolina Common Enterprise

People talking over papers

for emerging, existing, and expanding enterprises

You don’t have to struggle alone if you’re interested in using a cooperative structure to do business.

We provide a wide range of consulting services custom for startups and growing co-ops located in the Carolinas, as well as services specifically for businesses converting to the cooperative model.

Core Services

You don’t have to struggle alone. We provide a wide range of consulting services for businesses converting to a cooperative enterprise, as well as specifically for startups and growing co-ops.

technical assistance

  • Business planning
  • Strategic planning
  • Feasibility assessments
  • Market research

financial capital

  • External capital
  • Owner capital
  • Financial feasibility study
  • Financial scenarios
  • Financial management

legal counsel

  • Structure
  • Bylaws
  • Governance

cooperative education

  • Board training and development
  • Grant writing
  • Ongoing business education
  • Curricula development
  • Co-op orientation/co-op culture

Your donation supports community-based enterprise development, community wealth creation, and giving people more control over their own economic circumstances. 


501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 46-0568407
[email protected]