Hidden Gems

Central Maine Twirling Corps Annual Twirling Recital

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended



Hidden Gems: Central Maine Twirling Corps Annual Twirling Recital

Fri, Jun 26 6:30 PM – Sun, Jun 28 9:00 PM EDT

Join us in celebrating the hard work, twirling talents, and resilience of the 2020 Central Maine Twirling Corps twirlers. Our show includes performances by our Capital City Twirler and River City Twirler recreation twirlers, our Main-E-ette and Main-E-Act teams, and our 2 graduating senior members. We hope you will watch our show and enjoy the hidden gem that is baton twirling! Thank you for your support.


Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

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Central Maine Twirling Corps

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