Help families in Gaza now

The Catastrophe in Gaza: A Humanitarian Crisis of Unimaginable Proportions


Gaza, a densely populated strip of land home to over 2 million Palestinians, has been plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented scale. The ongoing war since October 7, 2023, and the relentless Israeli bombings have left a trail of widespread destruction, shattering the already fragile infrastructure and leaving millions without access to the most basic human necessities.


Water and sewage systems have been decimated, depriving families of clean drinking water and proper sanitation. Healthcare facilities lie in ruins, unable to treat the injured and sick. Telecommunications have been crippled, cutting off vital lines of communication. Homes have been reduced to rubble, leaving countless families homeless and exposed to the elements.


In this unimaginable crisis, children bear the brunt of the suffering, their innocent lives shattered by the horrors of war. Malnutrition and disease stalk their fragile existence, threatening to strip them of their futures before they've even had a chance to dream.


CUFP, a non-profit organization, based in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, stands as a beacon of hope amidst this darkness. With a strong local presence and expertise, CUFP is one of the few organizations capable of operating in this war-torn region, delivering life-saving aid and essential services to the most vulnerable communities.

Importantly, CUFP is a cross-faith organization, run entirely by Palestinians of all backgrounds, united in their mission to serve their people and alleviate suffering. 


But they cannot do it alone. They need your help.


Your donation today could be the difference between life and death for a child in Gaza. It could provide:

  • Sustenance: Food parcels to nourish hungry families and prevent starvation.
  • Clean Water: Water tanks and filters to ensure access to safe drinking water, a basic human right.
  • Healthcare: Medicine and medical supplies to treat the injured and sick, preserving precious lives.
  • Hygiene: Hygiene kits to prevent the spread of deadly diseases in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions.
  • Shelter: Materials to repair damaged homes, offering refuge from the elements and restoring dignity.
  • Hope: Cash assistance to help families cope with the overwhelming challenges they face, providing a glimmer of hope in their darkest hour.


In the face of unimaginable suffering, your generosity can be the light that guides the people of Gaza through this catastrophe. Every dollar donated is a step closer to alleviating their plight, restoring their humanity, and rebuilding their shattered lives.


Join CUFP in this mission of compassion. Donate now, and share this campaign with your loved ones. Together, we can make a difference for the people of Gaza, one act of kindness at a time.


Thank you for your generosity and for standing with those in need.

Organized by CUFP
[email protected]