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0% of $30,000 goal

100 for 100 More

Summer 2024 marks 100 years of Camp Weed, and we're preparing for 100+ more! With your help, Camp Weed will continue to be a place set apart for natural solitude, enabling worship, renewal, educational enrichment, recreation, and community for all the people of God. 

Over the next year, we have set a goal of 100 people who are willing to pledge a monthly gift to Camp Weed. Monthly gifts provide a consistent source of funding for ongoing property maintenance and program development. Your commitment helps ensure the future of this special ministry that has changed the lives of countless children, youth, and adults - bringing them closer to one another, God, and all creation.

Camp Weed is also grateful to receive one-time and annual gifts. No gift is too small (or too large!). Donors who commit to monthly giving will receive special recognition and invitations to special events.

However you choose to give, we THANK YOU for your support!

Organized by The Episcopal Diocese of Florida Inc DBA Camp Weed & Cerveny Conference Center