Prometheus Orchestra Concert, Sunday, November 20, 2022 3:00 PM

Schumann: Symphony No 4; Berlioz: Les nuits d'été (Summer Nights) - Raeeka Shahabi-Yagmai, Soprano


Campaign Ended


120 Supporters

43% of $2,000 goal



Prometheus Symphony Orchestra Concert: SUNDAY, November 20th @ 3PM (Lecture at 2:40PM)

Sunday, November 20th, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST

In Person

Tickets are required for admission to the concert. Proof of vaccination (including booster(s) plus a picture ID is required for entrance to the concert. Masks should be worn in the Sanctuary if possible. A video recording of the concert will be available online after the concert.



Campaign Ended


120 Supporters

43% of $2,000 goal

Prometheus Symphony Orchestra logo

Prometheus Symphony Orchestra

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 94-2516578

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