Support Christians for Palestine

At Christians for Palestine, we believe in the power of faith and the spirit of justice to make a difference in the lives of thousands of Christians who are dedicated to protecting the Holy Land. Our mission is to support these individuals and families who have been displaced by the recent conflict in Gaza. We are not doctrinal; what makes Christians for Palestine “Christian” are two key ingredients: Faith and the Spirit of Justice.

The Holy Land has a unique place in the hearts of Christians around the world, and it's a place where faith comes to life. For centuries, Christians have been an integral part of the Holy Land, maintaining a vibrant presence that reflects their faith and commitment to peace.

Most of us Christian-Palestinians have lived in this region for generations, serving as peacemakers and bridge builders among diverse communities. However, the recent war in Gaza has left thousands of Christians displaced and in dire need of assistance. Homes have been destroyed, livelihoods disrupted, and the future remains uncertain. That's where we come in. We believe that our faith calls us to act, to extend a hand of compassion and support to our Christian brothers and sisters who are facing immense challenges. By donating to Christians for Palestine, you can make a real difference in the lives of those who have been affected by this conflict. Your contribution will go towards providing much-needed humanitarian aid, including food, clean water, medical assistance, shelter, and other essential resources to help these displaced families rebuild their lives.

The essence of Christianity lies in the principles of love, compassion, and justice.

By coming together as a global community of believers, we can exemplify these principles and help restore hope to the lives of thousands of Christians in Palestine. Your support is a testament to your faith and commitment to justice. Together, we can make a tangible impact on the lives of those who are enduring immense hardships.

Let's stand together in solidarity with Christians for Palestine and extend the hand of hope and justice to those in need. Please consider making a donation today and be part of this faithful mission to support the Christians for Palestine. Your generosity will make a profound difference in their lives and bring much-needed relief in a time of crisis.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. ❤️ | Former Jerusalem archbishop: How long will Catholics keep ignoring the suffering of Palestinians?

Wikipedia | Palestinian Christians

Instagram | Christians_For_Palestine

Organized by CUFP
[email protected]