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71% of $10,000 goal

Complete the Crossing

Join us in our mission to complete the footbridge from Ecology to Scoutcraft at Camp C.S. Klaus! Thanks to a generous donation from Hartig Drug in Dave Scofield's name, a bridge is underway. But we need your support to bring this dream to its final building stage. With your help, we can Complete the Crossing and create a lasting legacy for generations to come.

The path from Ecology to Scoutcraft is within reach, and we invite you to play a pivotal role in "Completing the Crossing".

Our bridge is not merely wood, steel and concrete; it is a testament to our share commitment to education, exploration, and environmental stewardship. By contributing to our "Complete the Crossing" campaign, you are investing in more than just construction; you are investing in the future of Scouting!

Join us in completing the crossing and shaping a future where knowledge and nature unite. Together, we can make this vision a reality. Thank you for your support.

Ways to Get Involved:

Donate: Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goal. Your generosity fuels progress and helps us inch closer to completing the crossing.

Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues. Together, we can amplify our message and inspire others to join our cause.

Organized by Northeast Iowa Council, BSA