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0% of $50,000 goal

Daze Between New Orleans

We're heading back to the Big Easy!

Last year, thanks to the incredible generosity of Daze Between fans, Rex Foundation was able to grant $20,000 to local New Orleans non-profits, including:

  • Stem Library Lending Lab
  • Upbeat Academy
  • Friends of a Studio in the Woods
  • T.R.E.E. - Teaching Responsible

This year we hope to hit our goal of $50,000 so that we can write even more grants! With the funds raised during Daze Between New Orleans, Rex Foundation's grants will go exclusively to New Orleans based non-profit organizations.

About Rex Foundation:

From their earliest days, the Grateful Dead received countless requests for help from community organizations. The band became known for their generosity and their numerous benefit concerts. In 1984, members of the band, with family and friends, established Rex Foundation as a non-profit charitable organization, allowing the band to proactively support creative endeavors in the arts, sciences, and education. Rex Foundation identifies those who are out there doing good work, those who might be overlooked, those who are trying to make a difference in their communities, and then provides the funding those people need to carry out their missions.

Organized by Rex Foundation
[email protected]