YWCA Northeastern MA Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

The YWCA offers a range of services to domestic violence survivors and their families, including:

  • Emergency Services: We provide crisis intervention and advocacy, emergency safety planning, referrals to shelters, transportation, and we will provide resources to help individuals obtain food and other emergency needs.
  • Individual Counseling and Support Groups: The YWCA provides both individual counseling to victims and survivors of Domestic Violence by appointment. However, if an individual has an immediate need, we accept walk-ins during regular business hours (see above for office hours). We also offer Domestic Violence weekly support groups throughout the year. For more information on either individual counseling or group support, please contact us (see above for contact information).
  • SAFEPLAN Court Advocacy: The YWCA’s bi-lingual (English-Spanish) SAFEPLAN Advocates are on site at Lawrence District Court and Haverhill District Court. SAFEPLAN Advocates assist with obtaining restraining orders and harassment orders in both district and probate court. SAFEPLAN Advocates help victims understand their legal rights, options and responsibilities, arrange for translation services and make referrals to legal Services as needed.
  • Youth Education on Healthy Relationships: According to the CDC, Teen Dating Violence affects millions of teen in the US each year. It can manifests itself as physical, sexual, psychological/emotional violence, financial, digital or stalking. The YWCA provides in-school workshops on healthy relationships to more than 1,400 teens each year to help teens recognize red flags, regulate emotions, understand that they have choices, understand the true meaning of consent and remain safe. Workshops are also available to parents, youth workers, and community leaders.

Organized by YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 04-2130847
[email protected]