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7% of $500 goal


Every child deserves the opportunity to acquire the early learning essentials necessary to enter school ready to learn. However, children who face barriers to success – those who live in poverty, have a disability or otherwise been impacted by trauma face complex challenges which require comprehensive intervention with additional supports to promote their healthy growth and development. We are here to serve these children and their families.

Here at Early Learning Essentials, we provide comprehensive services which means we take a holistic approach. This involves attending to the needs of the whole child including working with families as a key partner. We offer high-quality comprehensive services which are the early learning essentials children need to thrive and succeed. In order to achieve that, we need your help! 

Every dollar donated helps bring needed resources to assist our students and their families break any barriers they need to succeed! 


Organized by Early Learning Essentials
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-0342445
[email protected]